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At Everton Heath Primary, we believe that Geography is everywhere. The children start their journey as Geographers long before they start school and will continue throughout their lives.

It is our mission to inspire curiosity about the places, environments and people in our world. This starts with children exploring their immediate environment and developing a strong sense of place. We aim to teach the children key skills such as enquiry, critical thinking, fieldwork and use of specific vocabulary, enabling them to get under the skin of real people and real places within our world. We use the spiral approach of learning, so that children revisit learning, build on their experiences and deepen their understanding through their journey as a geographer.

Our aim is for the children to leave Everton Heath Primary with a deep understanding of the environment to make their own conscious decisions in later life. We want our children to have strong geographical knowledge, comprehensive global understanding of our world, its people and their cultures. Through this understanding, children will develop a respect for the physical world and the resources, landscapes and environments that make up our diverse planet. We also develop their skills to enable pupils to think and see the world like geographers too
